segunda-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2016


1. The human brain is 95% non-functional.  It is an antenna for the wireless mind.  You are remotely controlled, unless you escape inwards.
2. The eyes do not and cannot see. It,  like the brain,  is cyber attacked by photon reflections of size, color etc. So who and how does one see reality?

3. Humans have 22+1 chromosomes and most 95% run on Rhesus positive blood.  It doesn't and won't work out because Rhesus positive apes have 24-chromosomes.  Something went amiss.

4. Intelligence  by the 1% are due to their spiritual elevation due to the fact that the brain cannot do the job, but the soul can do it right.

The Pyramids Orions Belt by Nassim Haramein

domingo, 7 de fevereiro de 2016


All primates, apes, hominids, neanderthal:, cromags 48 (24 pairs) 
Humans (Homo sapiens): 46 (23 pairs) 

There is no natural evolutionary way: 

1) Evolution from ape to human just "looses" two chromosomes (1 pair). It is impossible. 
2) Chromosomes 2 and 3 just "fuse" into one long jumbo doubled-up chromosome 

Somehow, humans have 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) and primates have 48 chromosomes (24 pairs). If two chromosomes less doesn't sound like a stark difference to you, well consider the fact that dolphins have 2 chromosomes less than humans, too, and look how different they are from humans! 

So what happened? To have caused both a SPLICING of hominids' chromosome 2 and 3 in one pair, and the loss of a whole chromosome pair?? 

Ancient GE! Only genetic engineering can explain that. It's like someone took a female earth hominid with 24 pairs of chromosomes, and wanted to impregnate it with their own sperm but their own species happens to have 23 pairs. So what do you do in order to make this hybridization work? You take the female earth hominid's egg's chromosome 2 and 3 and fuse them, that way eliminating one chromosome half-pair. With your sperm, you provide your 23 half-pairs, and now the genetically engineered female hominid egg with its doubled-up chromosome 2&3 provide 23 half-pairs, instead of the incompatible 24 pairs all other earth primates & hominids have. 

Problem solved, the female hominid's egg with chromosome # reduced by one, accepts fertilization from your sperm and the fertile hybrid offspring is born with your chromosome number and thus can, when mature, successfully reproduce with its hybrid siblings, other hybrids created as per above, and with your extraterrestrial species directly, too! 

However it cannot ever again successfully reproduce with the native earth hominids because of the reduced chromosome number. But that's not a problem since you already have 50% native DNA, that's more than enough, you don't want them to breed back into the native population for then they will end up reverting to mostly neanderthal/cromag/hominid race all over again. 

And so the human race was created some 150,000 yrs ago and then free to interbreed and reproduce with each other as well as directly with the extraterrestrial species that caused this 

Above Top Secret.

Lloyd Pye (RIP) and Human Origins.

The murder of Lloyd Pye, death from Weaponized Cancer

 If you are an enemy of the secret government of the united states stay away from your doctor. He will inject you with Cancer virus and irradiate you to activate it.See my more than 400 videos on you tube covering a vast array of similar subjects.Chanel Donations via paypal of any amount accepted to keep my research going.


Repeated DNA of the human Y chromosome.


A significant fraction of the human Y chromosome is composed of DNA sequences which have homologues on the X chromosome or autosomes in humans and non-human primates. However, most human Y-chromosome sequences so far examined do not have homologues on the Y chromosomes of other primates. This observation suggests that a significant proportion of the human Y chromosome is composed of sequences that have acquired their Y-chromosome association since humans diverged from other primates. More than 50% of the human Y chromosome is composed of a variety of repeated DNAs which, with one known exception, can be distinguished from homologues elsewhere in the genome. These include the alphoid repeats, the major human SINE (Alu repeats) and several additional families of repeats which account for the majority of Y-chromosome repeated DNA. The alphoid sequences tandemly clustered near the centromere on the Y chromosome can be distinguished from those on other chromosomes by both sequence and repeat organization, while the majority of Y-chromosome Alu repeats have little homology with genomic consensus Alu sequences. In contrast, the Y-chromosome LINE repeats cannot be distinguished from LINEs found on other chromosomes. It has been proposed that both SINE and LINE repeats have been dispersed throughout the genome by mechanisms that involve RNA intermediates. The difference in the relationship of the Y-chromosome Alu and LINE repeats to their respective family members elsewhere in the genome makes it possible that their dispersal to the Y chromosome has occurred by different mechanisms or at different rates. In addition to the SINE and LINE repeats, the human Y chromosome contains a group of repeated DNA elements originally identified as 3.4 and 2.1 kb fragments in HaeIII digests of male genomic DNA. Although the 3.4 and 2.1 kb Y repeats do not cross-react, both exist as tandem clusters of alternating Y-specific and non-Y-specific sequences. The 3.4 kb Y repeats contain at least three distinct sequences with autosomal homologies interspersed in various ways with a collection of several different Y-specific repeat sequences. Individual recombinant clones derived from isolated 3.4 kb HaeIII Y fragments have been identified which do not cross-react. Thus, the 3.4 kb HaeIII Y fragments are a heterogeneous mixture of sequences which have in common the regular occurrence of HaeIII restriction sites at 3.4 kb intervals and an organization as tandem clusters at various sites along the Y-long arm.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

sábado, 6 de fevereiro de 2016


The Nameless War by Archibald Ramsay

The Nameless War


The Nameless War by Archibald Henry Maule Ramsay is a short book on revolutions in Europe caused by Jews and Jewish international bankers. It also explains the hidden events and causes of World War 2 and international hositility to Hitler. "A side of history not seen in history books". Because of attempting to tell people the truth and stop World War 2 from happening, Ramsay (who was a member of the British Parliament) was arrested and imprisoned unjustly by an extension of Regulation 18B.

Captain '''Archibald Henry Maule Ramsay''' (4 May 1894 – 11 March 1955) was a British Armyofficer who later went into politics as a Unionist Party (Scotland)|Scottish Unionist Member of Parliament (MP). From the late 1930s, he developed increasingly strident Anti-Semitism|antisemitic views. In 1940, after his involvement with a suspected spy at the United States embassy, he became the only British MP to be internment|interned under Defence Regulation 18B.

quinta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2016

Electro-Biological Wirelsss and Tailless Beings.

Anyone who’s watched even a few episodes of X Factor will have harboured this suspicion – but a new book claims that humans might actually be aliens. Or rather that we were ‘planted’ here by an alien super-species – possibly for having done something really, really bad elsewhere in the galaxy. The big clue is sunburn, argues the author of Humans Are Not From Earth. Why do we get it, if we were designed to be here? There’s just one problem – it’s all bollocks, says the University of Minnesota Morris’s PZ Meyers on his Pharyngula blog. RELATED ARTICLES New book: Human beings came from another planet, not EarthAre Human Beings Alien to Planet Earth? Author ‘Ellis Silver’ – who says he uses a fake name to avoid being targeted by ‘religious extremists,’ said in an interview, ‘Mankind is supposedly the most highly developed species on the planet, yet is surprisingly unsuited and ill-equipped for Earth’s environment: harmed by sunlight, a strong dislike for naturally occurring (raw) foods, ridiculously high rates of chronic disease, and more. Plus there’s a prevailing feeling among many people that they don’t belong here or that something “just isn’t right”. ‘This suggests (to me at least) that mankind may have evolved on a different planet, and we may have been brought here as a highly developed species. One reason for this, discussed in the book, is that the Earth might be a prison planet – since we seem to be a naturally violent species – and we’re here until we learn to behave ourselves. (There’s no sign of that happening.)’ Meyers is scathing, ‘It is just the most amazing gobbledygook. It is true that there are sequences in the human genome that are not identified as homologous to sequences in other species ‘Biologists aren’t surprised at all by them. We have multiple explanations that don’t involve aliens making transgenic monkey men. Ian Musgrave has the explanations. ‘Some are artifacts — as I said, if you’re just looking for starting and ending punctuation, purely by chance you’re going to find strings that match your criteria in a random collection of letters. ‘Some are genes that have undergone so many substitions that they’re no longer recognizable as the original sequence. Those would be especially interesting in an evolutionary sense, I would think, but they’re rare ( via ). ‘Some are products of horizontal gene transfer. We don’t need aliens to inject us with strange DNA, viruses do it naturally.’ READ MORE: Wireless & Tailless beings are remotely controlled.